Monday, July 28, 2008


Thank God for internet cafes! I haven't blogged in a very long while and i am so itching to tell you about yesterday. We were fortunate to have with us at the zendo an old member we have not seen in a long while. He migrated to Australia with his family, you see. Who is he? Jim Paredes, of course! He told us that he frequently mentions the zen center in his column at the Star. He even joined us for lunch as he told us about life in australia. Wow! I tried not to show my awe but i guess it showed after all... and me without my camera! Well, as good luck would have it, The APO hiking society will be having their 40th concert soon at the Araneta Colliseum. San Mateo willing, i might just be able to watch that concert. Yun lang.

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