Tuesday, April 08, 2008

A Flair for the Dramatic

You have to hand it to our opposition senators. They do have flair for the dramatic. Imagine, so much fanfare in filing a Motion for Reconsideration! I wonder how much the senators spent to make the banners, get some people to walk with them, and then of course, you have to feed the people who walked with you. This sort of activity and fanfare is reminiscent of the Gay Pride Parades in Malate, which makes me wonder if some of our senators are bit on the "pink" side. And this isn't the end of it. We aren't even through wit the senate probe on ZTE, another probe is being planned by Senator Lacson concerning the "swine scam". Wow! No wonder Oscar Cruz loves the Senate! This screams of withchunt, and which group is famous for witch hunts? Why, the catholic church, of course! Bishop Cruz should become Pope and lead another Crusade. hahahahahaha. That fits his character snugly. Hmmm.. come to think of it, Obispo Cruz also has a flair for the dramatic... i wonder if....

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