Thursday, March 29, 2007

Do Not Glamorize Jun Ducat's Actions

Watching the various news programs covering the Ducat hostage taking involving students of his very own daycare center, and listening to the comments of candidates from the opposition and Ducat's neighbors, you'd think that Ducat was a hero for "bringing the plight of education in the open". My God, what a load of bull droppings! When did a person holding 32 children hostage become a hero in anyone's eyes? And as usual, the opposition is having a field day and using this scenario to their advantage. What kind of heart do these people have, using a tragic event such as this to suit their own agenda? In my point of view, children should never be used for anyone's agenda, whether it is for the children's benefit or not. In the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Children, it clearly states in Principle 9 that "The child shall be protected against all forms of neglect, cruelty and exploitation". Ducat, in pushing for educational reforms, exploited the children when he pretended to take them on a field trip to Tagaytay when in fact he already planned to hold them hostage. The UN Declaration also states in Princilple 7 that "The best interests of the child shall be the guiding principle of those responsible for his education and guidance". In this case, Ducat, being the owner of the daycare center, violated Principle 7 by not acting on the childrens' best interests. Some will argue that he only did it so the children can have a better future. Granted. But can you really correct a mistake by committing another mistake? Can the children he held hostage really understand his "noble intentions"? Is it noble to carry an uzi sub-machine gun, 2 hand guns and live hand grenades within sight of this children, where a minute mistake an cause them their precious little lives? How noble can one be if he knowingly planned to use these children to push for his own agenda, no matter how noble it may seem? Feeble-minded people will think only in terms of his intention, but what about the psychological effect that this has on the kids? In this case, no one should be thinking of his intention -- everyone should be thinking about the children. Principle 10 of the Delcaration also states that the child "shall be brought up in a spirit of understanding, tolerance, friendship among peoples, peace and universal brotherhood, and in full consciousness that his energy and talents should be devoted to the service of his fellow men. " Has Jun Ducat shown understanding, tolerance and friendship when he betrayed the trust and friendship of the children and their parents, trusting him with the lives of their children, and then suddenly and without warning holding them hostage? Many will argue that he did not harm them. Are we really sure? Only time will tell if the children suffered any real psychological damage. I say Ducat and his actions should not be glamorized EVER. To glamourize such actions only encourage worms to come out of the woodwork. DFucat is not a man, or a gentlemen as his children so ignorantly point out. He is a monster who has exploited the children who trusted him, endangering their lives and putting them in a situation which could have turned sour. Jun Ducat should rot in jail if only to prove that the UN Declaration on the Rights of Children is being followed in this country. DUCAT A HERO? WHAT IF IT WAS YOUR CHILD HE HELD HOSTAGE? WOULD YOU STILL THINK SO?


Anonymous said...

We do realize that the action of Jun Ducat is out of this world and for poeple who does not know the guy would view the hostage drama as plainly as what it looks. Think deeper, would anybody start drastic change in the education system we have? Would the plight of the poor be on the center of political platforms? Yes, opposition put the blame on the administration, a quick defense, but truth remains the same that this country, corruption is a system and education is sacrificed. Yes, do not make a hero out of him. Can we find one? I do not see Jun Ducat as a hero but I pity him, for he sacrificed himself for the world to stop and listen for a while. Yes, bringing the children in danger, but is it not an ordinary thing that poor children are always neglected. Not in a hostage drama, not in a daycare center, not in an excursion but by the government itself? Think again, are we not to be blamed because we are not objective enough to support the good and condemn the bad. Think again....

Anonymous said...

Ducat is a victim